Highlights of budget cuts announced Friday by Gov. Pat Quinn’s administration. More detail on how state agencies fared can be found at http://budget.illinois.gov/:
* An estimated 2,552 layoffs, including more than 1,000 from the prison system.
* Twelve furlough days for all workers other than those on the front lines of government service.
* A $1.4 billion deficit remaining even after Quinn uses more than $3 billion in discretionary money to minimize cuts.
* Unpaid bills approaching $4 billion, bringing the total deficit to about $5.5 billion.
* A $225 million shortage in college scholarship funding.
* $600 million in cuts in both the Medicaid program and group health insurance program for state workers and retirees.
* Fewer inmates at state prisons, although the number to be released early was not announced. One small facility could be closed.
* $250 million cut from state grants, with details on the impact to many providers yet to come.
* Millions of dollars of cuts in funding for the court system, Illinois Arts Council, addiction treatment, adoption and other programs.
* $150 million restored in education cuts, mostly for early education, but a $145 million hole remains.